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Prayer for Missionaries

Dmitriy Zherebnenkov

*For the safety of the missionaries, their names and countries are not being mentioned. If you
want more information, please contact the brothers from the missionary ministry.

Will the gypsies accept Christ?

The gypsy people do not refer to themselves as “gypsies.” They call themselves the Romale or
Roma people. The eastern gypsies named themselves the Lyuli people. The gypsies are a nomadic
people group that are used to living amidst other nations but have always strongly avoided
assimilating into the local customs, cultures, and faiths.

In a country in the center of Asia where the sun shines brightly all 300 days, where it smells like
plov and spices, and the Silk Road passes through, our brothers are bringing God’s Word to the
gypsies! This is a Muslim country where 95% of the population professes Islam, and

unfortunately, the spiritual situation in this country is very strained. Large and ornate mosques
are built every 3, 5, and 10 km.

The Muslims have a strong influence on the gypsy Lyuli people who also consider themselves as
Muslims. This is why the work, influence, and especially evangelism are very difficult.

The brothers do everything they can in evangelizing to these people. Christians are a religious
minority in their midst even though many visits have been made to these people. They accept the
Word about Christ with great difficulty. The gypsies have received books that show the Bible
stories, but their conversions have been few and far between.

The Roma gypsies are a different people. They consider themselves to be closer to Christianity or
even already Christians, even though they practically don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Their understanding of salvation and the Savior is quite convoluted. They are generally informed,
but not with biblical doctrines. Praise the Lord that the work among them is more possible!

Please prayerfully support our missionaries that work to reach these nations.


Continue supporting the churches working among the people who have suffered from the war in

The Scripture memory text

1 The heavens declare the glory of God,
    and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

2 Day to day pours out speech,
    and night to night reveals knowledge.

3 There is no speech, nor are there words,
    whose voice is not heard.

Psalm 19:1-3

Below are the services and meetings for this weekend:

  • Thursday (7:00 PM) Prayer service
  • Friday (7:00 PM) Prayer service
  • Saturday (8:00 AM) Prayer service
  • Sunday services:
    • Worship Service in Russian at 9:00 AM
    • Worship Service in English at 11:15 AM

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Grace Family Church,
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