9.1 Church positions
1. Only members of the local church who are spiritually mature and who express their agreement with the doctrines of the faith and the bylaws of the church can hold a church position.
2. Elected positions in the church: Senior Pastor, Pastors, Administrator, Deacons, Treasurer, Accountant, Revision Committee.
9.2 Senior Pastor
1. The Senior Pastor must meet the Scripture requirements of 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus. 1:6-9 and 1 Pet. 5:1-3. In addition, he should be gifted in the ministry of the Word, have experience in spiritual leadership, have a personal prayer life, and shepherd the church members.
2. Responsibilities of the Senior Pastor include:
2.1. Studying and preaching God’s Word.
2.2. Prayer for church members.
2.3. Providing pastoral care for church members through personal ministry or the appointment of other ministers.
2.4. Providing spiritual guidance to the church
2.5. Spiritual discipleship and preparation of ministers of different levels.
2.6. Organization of the ministry of preaching and teaching at all levels of ministry to the church.
2.7. Organization and leading church services.
2.8. Coordination of the ministry of various departments of the church.
2.9. The Senior Pastor has the right to participate in all councils, meetings, committees, groups, ministries and all departments in the church.
2.10. The Senior Pastor is accountable to the Elder Board and Members
2.11. To fulfill the pastoral ministry of the church in its entirety, the Senior Pastor may involve other ministers of the church in the ministry.
3. The Senior Pastor may be relieved of his ministry duties for the following reasons and upon meeting the following conditions:
3.1. At the personal request of the pastor. In this case, the Senior Pastor must give three months’ notice before termination of ministry.
3.2. If the Senior Pastor ceases to meet the ministerial qualifications presented in 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus. 1:6-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-3. In such a case, the fact of sin or loss of qualifications must be confirmed by at least 75% of the votes of the members of the Pastoral Council. This decision is approved by a specially convened membership meeting, provided that this decision is supported by at least 50% of present church members.
4. A Senior Pastor can be fully or partially financially supported by the church. In this case, the specific conditions and the amount of material support are stipulated in a special agreement. This agreement must be approved by the church members.
5. The appointment of a new Senior Pastor is carried out by the Elder Board. The appointed candidate is presented to the church for approval at a specially convened membership meeting.
6. To elect the Senior Pastor, at least 75% of the votes of present church members are required (see Section 8.1.3.).
7. In case of illness or temporary absence of the Senior Pastor, his duties will be performed by one of the members of the Elder Board at the appointment of the Board.
9.3 Church Pastors
1. A pastor of the church must meet the biblical requirements of the Scriptures in 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus. 1:6-9 and 1 Pet. 5:1-3.
2. A candidate for pastor is presented to the Elder Board for review of his suitability for the ministry. If he worked in another church, then the testimony of his previous ministry will be considered. He must receive the unanimous support of the Elder Board, and then presented to the members who will confirm his appointment.
3. A pastor approved by the church becomes a member of the Elder Board of the church, and has the right to participate in the work of all councils, meetings, committees, groups, ministries and all departments operating in the church.
4. A pastoral candidate must declare that he accepts and supports the doctrines and statutes of the church. He must submit his comments or disagreements with the points of these documents to the Pastoral Council for consideration. The Elder Board recommends the candidate to the membership of the church for approval.
5. Upon his confirmation by the church, a pastoral candidate will be on probation for one year.
6. A church-approved pastor takes care of the spiritual well-being of the church, preaches the Gospel, organizes and directs the department entrusted to him, and performs religious rites in accordance with Section 7 of these bylaws.
7. To approve a pastor for ministry, at least 75% of the votes of registered church members are required (see Section 8.1.3).
8. Additional appointment of pastors of the church will occur at membership meetings as the need arises.
9. Reasons for removing a pastor from ministry can be sin, failure to fulfill pastoral duties, disagreement with the doctrine and bylaws of the church, unwillingness to work in a team, or a resignation letter.
10. Removing a pastor from ministry is discussed by the Elder Board. The final decision is made by the members. The member meeting will be announced to the church two weeks before the appointed date. The decision is considered legitimate, provided that it is supported by at least 50% of registered church members (see Articles 8.1.3 and 8.1.4).
9.4 Church Deacons
1. Deacons must conform to the characterization given in 1 Tim 3:8-132. Deacons are called to oversee the needs of church members, organize and be responsible for the material and technical part of the church’s ministries, and provide comprehensive assistance to pastors in fulfilling the mission of the church.
3. A deacon candidate is presented to the Elder Board to review his suitability for the ministry. If he worked in another church, then the testimony of his previous ministry will be considered.
4. Upon his confirmation by the church, a deacon candidate will be on probation for one year.
5. At the end of the probationary period, the deacon’s appointment for the position will be affirmed by the church through a vote at a church membership meeting.
6. A church member who has been ordained as a deacon can be claimed as a deacon with the consent of the Pastoral Council and then presented to the membership meeting for approval.
7. A deacon’s approval for ministry requires confirmation of 75% of the votes of the church members.
8. Reasons for removing a deacon from ministry can be sin, failure to fulfill deacon duties, disagreement with the doctrine and bylaws of the church, unwillingness to work in a team, or a resignation letter.
9. Removing a deacon from ministry is discussed by the Elder Board. The final decision is made by the members.
9.5 Church Administrator
1. The church administrator is appointed from among the ordained ministers of the church. After the approval of his candidacy by the Elder Board, the final decision is made by the church members.
2. A candidate for the position of Administrator will have to declare that he accepts and supports the doctrines of the faith and the bylaws of the church. He must have skills in the field of administration, have organizational skills, and be sociable.
3. The administrator of the church heads the Administrative-Deacon Board of the church, organizes and coordinates the work of deacons, oversees administrative, economic and technical services, participates in the preparation of the annual budget, annually certifies the names of church officials authorized by the church to conduct its financial affairs at the bank.
4. The Administrator’s signature will be first on all financial documents.
5. The Administrator reports directly to the Senior Pastor and the Elder Board. He participates in meetings of the Elder Board related to administrative matters.
6. In his absence, his duties are performed by the Assistant Administrator, who is elected by the deacon board from among the members of the deacon board.
7. Reasons for removing the Administrator from ministry can be sin, failure to fulfill Administrator duties, disagreement with the doctrine and bylaws of the church, or a resignation letter.
8. If the Administrator is unable to perform his duty, the revision committee will audit the accounting of all financial activities. Dismissal from office is carried out by the Elder Board. This decision is presented to the members, and another person is elected to this position.
9.6 – Church Treasurer
1. The treasurer of the church is selected from among the members of the church. After approval by the Elder Board, his candidacy is presented to the membership meeting for approval.
2. The candidate for the position of Treasurer will be required to declare that he accepts and supports the doctrines of the faith and the bylaws of the church. He must be a mature Christian with the necessary financial accounting skills.
3. The treasurer keeps a record of all funds received by the church as donations, is responsible for the technical organization of the collection of donations, keeps records of donations and stores them in accordance with the current legal regulations, regularly brings the collected donations to the church’s account at the bank within the time specified by law, and submits a report of weekly earnings to the accountant.
4. The Treasurer reports directly to the Church Administrator and the Elder Board. By virtue of his position, the Treasurer is a member of the Administrative – Deacon Board.
5. If the Treasurer is unable to perform his duty, the revision committee will audit the accounting of all financial activities. Dismissal from office is carried out by the Elder Board. This decision is presented to the members, and another person is elected to this position.
6. In the absence of the Treasurer, his duties are performed by the Deputy Treasurer, or at the behest of the administrator of the church, one of the deacons of the church.
9.7 Church Accountant
1. The nomination for the position of Accountant of the church is reviewed and approved by the Elder Board and then the nomination is presented to the church at the membership meeting
2. The candidate for the position of Accountant will be required to declare that he accepts and supports the doctrines of the faith and the bylaws of the church. He must be a mature Christian with the necessary financial accounting skills and training.
3. The responsibilities of the Accountant include keeping a constant record of all financial affairs of the church in accordance with the current legislation of the United States and the State of California, and to monitor the correct execution of receipts and expenditures.
4. The accountant is responsible for the safety of the church checkbook and the timely payment of all expenses.
5. The Accountant’s signature will be second on all financial documents.
6. The accountant will submit a monthly statement of the receipts and expenditures of funds to the to the Administrative – Deacon Board.
7. The accountant maintains a church database of donations received. Personalized donations are entered into the church computer under the name of the donor, and at the end of each current year, donors will be issued a personalized statement of the amount donated.
8. Information about donations is confidential; it can be made public only at the request of the donor or the court.
9. The Accountant provides members quarterly with a summary of the church’s financial performance. A detailed financial report is presented at the annual membership meeting.
10. The accountant reports directly to the church administrator.
11. By virtue of his position, the Treasurer is a member of the Administrative – Deacon Board.
12. If there are other ministries that have a separate financial department, the financial workers of these departments are accountable to the church Accountant
9.8 Church Secretary
1. By virtue of the position, the secretary of the church is a member of the Administrative – Deacon Board, deals with official correspondence and keeps the minutes of membership meetings and the Administrative – Deacon Council. This person must be a spiritual person and have skills in the field of office work.
2. The church secretary keeps a physical record of church members, baptisms, new church members, membership withdrawals, and also records those on church discipline and excommunication.
3. The church secretary organizes and stores applications for admission to church membership, applications for withdrawal from church membership, keeps a file of minutes of meetings of the Administrative – Deacon Board and membership meetings.
4. The Secretary shall submit the minutes of each membership meeting or of the Administrative – Deacon Board meetings with relevant financial information to the Accountant no later than one week from the date of the meeting.
5. The church secretary maintains an electronic database of church members on the church computer. This information is confidential, intended only for internal church use. Only pastors and deacons of the church can access this database.
6. In the event of resignation, the Church Secretary will hand over all records, electronic database access and other papers belonging to the Church to the new Secretary or to the Senior Pastor.
7. The Church Secretary reports directly to the Senior Pastor and Administrator.
Часть 9 – Секретарь офиса церкви
1. Кандидат на должность Секретаря офиса церкви должен будет заявить, что принимает и поддерживает доктрины веры и Устав церкви. Должен быть духовной личностью, обладать навыками в области делопроизводства и коммуникации.
2. Секретарь офиса церкви занимается текущей корреспонденцией, отвечает на телефонные звонки, информирует руководство и членов церкви о текущих мероприятиях.
3. Издает церковный бюллетень, внося в него своевременную информацию о служениях и нуждах церкви.
4. В случае ухода с этой должности Секретарь передаст своему приемнику или Ответственному Пастору все записи, компьютерную базу данных и другие бумаги, принадлежащие церкви.
5. Секретарь офиса церкви подчиняется непосредственно Ответственному Пастору.